The website for Replacement Remotes (Dan's Elec) didn't expressly say this replacement receiver was for Hampton Bay Redington III. This will confirm that it is. Receiver Model "FANR2" works in Redington II and Redington III. Also, the rough dimension is about 1-1/2" deep/thick, same as original (NOT 1" deep as shown in website). Diameter w/ adjustable fins is corrected. Aluminum "fins" bend out to fit inside diameter of the motor wire cluster housing.
Device functioned as indicated. Due to age of my original fan, replacement receiver had slightly different connector pins (1 male pin plus 1 female pin) versus original 2 male pins. I merely salvaged one wire/connector from original (failed) receiver, and soldered it to the fan cluster module. So I didn't change or adjust any wires or pins on the new receiver. Others who aren't comfortable with soldering, could have used properly rated screw-twist-on wire nuts, and it would have worked fine. In any event, this replacement receiver was fine.